November 2, 2012

We Need a Set of Solutions, Not Just One

The world's energy demand continues to grow, and fossil fuels continue to dominate that growing demand, but fossil fuels have real drawbacks.  This situation cannot continue indefinitely.  We can wait until it's a crisis, or we can be smart and tackle the problem before then.

A coordinated attack with three different time horizons is necessary:

Short Term (next 10 years)
  • Improve existing efficiencies - Small, incremental efficiency improvements often don't require technical breakthroughs, just a modernization of what's already in place.  Throughout the power generation infrastructure, old equipment needs to be replaced, losses need to be reduced, and waste needs to be elimated.  With automobiles, gas mileage needs to be improved, limits need to be set on vehicle sizes and weights, and vehicle inspection programs need to be more rigorous. 
  • Move toward mass transit - Mass transit networks need building that are so fast, stylish, and service-oriented that people find them more attractive than driving.  North America especially needs high-speed trains that connect major cities, and many North American cities need greatly expanded mass transit systems.
  • Improve cleanliness - Convert existing systems to fuels that burn cleaner and generate fewer emissions.
  • Remove CO2 from emissions - Deploy methods that capture carbon dioxide from exhaust gases and vent stacks. 
Very little new technology is required to implement these short term solutions.  All that's needed are incentives throughout local, national, and global arenas.

Medium Term (next 20 years)
  • Develop and demonstrate non-fossil fuel alternatives for power generation and transportation - The key to this point is the word "demonstrate", and that means building  semiworks scale facilities and prototype vehicle fleets that repeatedly operate reliabily and safely for several continuous months.  To have any real chance for commercial deployment, these facilitites and prototypes must not only prove that the technologies work, but also that they work with operating costs equal to or cheaper than their fossil fuel competitors.
  • Develop technology to remove CO2 from the atmosphere that's deployable on a global scale.
Some technologies (wind turbines, solar grids) are already in the demonstration phase, but the operating cost challenges still need to be overcome.  Other technologies (nuclear) are already commercialized, but they lack strong enough champions to gain worldwide traction.  Still others (biofuels) are working toward commercilization but are too dependent upon government help.  For new technologies to be sustainable, government mandates and subsidies must be unnecessary.

Long Term (next 50 years):
  • Establish new infrastructure to meet the world's energy needs without fossil fuels - Some of the things imaginable include high-speed train networks equal in scale to the Interstate Highway system; nationwide service stations for maintaining solar-charged, battery-powered automobiles; port facilities for docking and maintaining nuclear-powered cargo ships; networks for recycling spent nuclear fuel and batteries.
  • Remove CO2 from the atmosphere until it's at pre-Industrial Revolution levels.  Imagine a future debate among politicians and scientists about when to stop depleting CO2 from the atmosphere.

There is not a single path away from fossil fuel dominance but a set of solutions.  There will not be a single point in time when fossil fuels become obsolete but a series of things over decades that relegates fossil fuels to an ever smaller piece of the energy mix.  As long as fossil fuels are available they will have a place in the world's energy supply.  The idea is to create more competitive alternatives until fossil fuels are phased out like the horse and carriage.

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